Reimagine Wealth LLC

focuses on healing relationships to wealth, money, and power.

red poppies blooming outside of a wooden fence

what do i do?

part tactical, part emotional, I provide structured processes, support, education, tools, and accountability in navigating questions like…

  • how much money is enough?

  • how can I align my money with my values and achieve my livelihood goals?

  • how can I care for myself and my loved ones while living within capitalism?

i’m jordyn middlebrooks (she/they),

a radical, post-capitalist financial coach & financial planner, looking to reimagine our relationship to wealth and “enoughness” so that we can further a Just Transition and better cultivate abundance, cooperation, care, & belonging.

expected outcomes when you work with me…

  • reimagined ways to meet your needs (that allow us to momentarily step outside of capitalism)

  • deeper understanding of how much money is enough for you in this season (& future seasons) of life

  • supportive structures to lean on when money triggers come up

  • greater confidence in navigating financial decisions

  • deeper understanding of your cash flow, and the support to make the changes you want to see in your money habits

  • greater alignment between your money and your values

  • an accountability partner who will help you get unstuck

register for upcoming workshops!

there are currently no additional workshops planned for 2025! check back later!

to see recordings of past workshops, become a paid subscriber to the Reimagine Wealth substack community!

connect with me

check out my services or book an intro call to learn more!

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