(free) resources & testimonials

everything listed on this page is completely free and accessible to everyone! if you’re able to, I invite you to please support the work it takes for me to create these resources by using the pay what you can button below!

Reimagine Wealth Substack

stay up-to-date on latest offerings, join the Reimagine Wealth community, & hear imperfect stories about embodying our values and working to build the world that we want (and deserve) to live in

Day of Divestment Workbook

for folks looking to divest from occupation and learn how to screen their own investments

email info@reimaginewealth.net to get signed up for the next Day of Divestment virtual event!

Becoming a Radical Advisor (B-RAD) Workshop

hosted by Rad Planners

for left-leaning, self-proclaimed “radical” folks looking to remold financial tools to further a just transition and solidarity economy principles

what resources and events would you like to see?

I love hearing from my community, and I want to hear what’s on your mind!


Jordyn's day of divestment event deepened my understanding of my own finances in relation to my values of Palestinian liberation. Prior to attending I had a very limited knowledge of investments in general. Jordyn has a way of explaining things I've never before understood, such as what capital gains even are! The resources they provided were well explained and supported me in taking concrete next steps. I share the word about Jordyn's resources every chance I get.

- Renae D

thank you so much again for this super helpful resource! taking control of things like investments/retirement accounts, or just generally financial knowledge, can feel so daunting and inaccessible. it was such a relief to be able to think through this stuff in community and get concrete resources (i.e. Investigate, Weapons Free/Fossil Free Funds) to help get more transparency about what funds are actually composed of and what our money is passively supporting. 

- elspeth w

I really appreciated how you made the group feel like a little community right at the start. I appreciated the land acknowledgements you gave. I found the information about the ticker sheet the most useful. I didn't know there was a way to so clearly look up how your money is invested and then to look into the ethical impacts of the individual companies.

- Cally H